Ballet Fusion

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10 Minute Full Body Stretch

Follow this 10-minute full-body stretching routine to target the major muscle groups, including hard-to-reach muscles.

Why should we stretch?

Stretching helps to prevent injury and improve flexibility. It helps to maintain and improve our range of motion, as well as lengthening muscles and preventing them from becoming tight.⁠

When should we stretch?

⁠The most important thing to remember is not to stretch until you are warm. You don't need to stretch before you start any exercise, it will be much more beneficial to stretch during and after a workout. Each stretch you take when warm will help to reduce muscle pain or DOMS (delayed onset of muscle pain) and help recovery.

Full stretch routine

Reverse Shoulder Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Stand looking straight ahead, feet shoulder-width apart and arms by your sides. Clasp your hands behind your back with thumbs pointing towards the floor.

  2. Stand tall, open your chest and move your hands back and towards the ceiling - feeling a stretch in the shoulders and biceps muscles.

Grand Plie Hip Opener (1 minute)

  1. Stand with feet wide apart, legs turning out from the hips. Drop your tailbone and bottom down towards the floor.

  2. Rest your elbows or forearms on the inside of the thighs and sit in this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat.

Lower Back Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Start by lying on your stomach, legs straight out, arms bent with hands placed next to either armpit, elbows by your side.

  2. Push your upper body up off the ground and towards the ceiling, keeping the hips firmly on the floor and pushing back away from your hands. Return to the neutral lying position, and repeat.

Supine Crocodile Spine Release (1 minute)

  1. Lie on your back with arms out to the sides, palms up. Bend one knee and drop it across the body at 90 degrees

  2. Gently lift the opposite hand and bring it to join the hand closest to your bent knee (like a clap or crocodile snap), inhaling through the nose.

  3. Slowly open the arm out again, gently exhaling and feeling a release in the spine. Repeat 5 or 6 on each side.

Face-down Frog Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Position the body so that you're resting on your elbows and knees, back straight, and gradually spread the knees apart, pressing the hips down towards the floor and making sure you keep the knees in line with the hips (this bit is important!).

  2. Once you have gone as far as you can, take several deep breaths and relax into the position, holding for 20 - 30 seconds before repeating.

Rotating Hip and Stomach Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Staying on the ground, lie face down and bring your hands close to your shoulders. Keep your hips on the ground, look forward and rise up by straightening your arms.

  2. Then slowly bend one arm and rotate that shoulder towards the ground.

Seated Frog Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Start on the floor with your knees bent and the soles of your feet pressed together, legs drawn in and hands resting on your ankles.

  2. Gradually press your knees down towards the ground until a stretch is felt, keeping the spine long and gradually bending forwards with the aim of touching your forehead to your toes.

Down Facing Dog Arabesque (1 minute)

  1. From a downward-facing dog position, lift the pelvic floor and pull the shoulders back away from the ears.

  2. Lift one leg high into an arabesque, allowing the hip to turn out. Hold for 5 to 10 secs and repeat with the other leg.

Standing Quad Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Stand with one leg planted firmly on the ground. Lift your other leg up behind you, bending at the knee, and grab the ankle with your corresponding hand, guiding your foot in toward your body. You should feel this stretch in your quadriceps and hip flexors.

Barre Hamstring Stretch (1 minute)

  1. Stand at arm’s length from the barre (or table) and lift your right leg up to meet the barre.

  2. Rest your foot over the barre and hinge your upper body forward to lean into your leg. Then, switch and stretch your left leg.

Want to know more about why stretching is so good for you? Check out our 10 Reasons why stretching is good for you blog post.