Ballet Fusion

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How often should I weigh myself?

How often do you weigh yourself? ⁠Once a week? Every day? Occasionally? Before you go on holiday? 🏝 ⁠

⁠Here’s how often you should weigh yourself: Never⁠

Your weight is not representative of your health, your fitness, your muscle tone or your wellness. ⁠

Some days the weight on your scales will be down - and you’ll give yourself a high-five! Other days, it’ll be up and you’ll feel down in the dumps and maybe even dislike yourself. Is that good? HELL NO! We all know that the scales will NEVER be consistent - it’s science - because we’re human and out weight fluctuates with the days, months and years. Therefore, you’re on a permanent rollercoaster of highs and lows - all related to your weight on any given day, which is indicative of nothing particularly useful.⁠

If you start a new workout regime, such as ballet fitness, going to the gym or daily walking, you might actually put weight on because muscle is more dense than body fat (although it takes up less space) but you’ll look better, feel better, function better and be healthier!⁠

Ditch the scales and ask yourself these questions instead:⁠

🧡 How do I feel?⁠

🧡 Have I exercised today? (Eg Walk, run, class, workout)⁠

🧡 Have I eaten well and healthily overall today?⁠

🧡 Have I had fresh air?⁠

🧡 Am I rested?⁠

Of course, there’s a time and a place for the scales - usually at the doctor’s office or clinic. But at Ballet Fusion, we strongly believe that the key to feeling great about sustained health and fitness is not your weight, it’s your attitude towards exercise, eating and looking after yourself. ⁠

Know your body and start treating it like the temple it really is. Love yourself more than your scales do 💛 🤩 👏⁠