Top 10 Ballet Myths Debunked
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Top 10 Ballet Myths Debunked

Ever wondered if pointe shoes are made from wood (FYI – they aren’t!)? Or, perhaps you thought Ballet is impossible to begin as an adult (which isn’t true, because that’s why we are here at Ballet Fusion!)?

We are here to debunk some of the most common misconceptions about the world of Ballet – and some of them might even surprise you!

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The Origins of Ballet
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The Origins of Ballet

As you’ve probably guessed, ballet is our favourite dance genre here at Ballet Fusion. It might be yours too! But have you ever wondered where it all started? Read on to find out all about the origins of ballet.

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The anatomy of a pointe shoe
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The anatomy of a pointe shoe

A pointe shoe is more than just your average pair of flat ballet shoes – in fact, each pointe shoe is so unique as they are made by hand and many dancers can even tell minute differences between one pointe shoe maker and another! Freed of London supply a vast quantity of pointe shoes to The Royal Ballet Company and many company dancers often request their preferred shoemaker to create their shoes!

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Why it's so important to get pointe shoes fitted professionally
Ballet Rhea Jeffery Ballet Rhea Jeffery

Why it's so important to get pointe shoes fitted professionally

When people think of ballet dancers, they often think of dancers wearing pointe shoes and dancing on their toes.

Pointe work is something many dancers work towards - whether as a child or an adult. And with some dedicated training and strengthening, it’s achievable for most.

Read our handy guide on how to progress towards pointe work, how to get your first pair of pointe shoes and what it’s like to dance en pointe.

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How to get better posture -  with simple ballet fitness exercises
Ballet, Female health, Stretching, Posture Ballet Fusion Ballet, Female health, Stretching, Posture Ballet Fusion

How to get better posture - with simple ballet fitness exercises

Good posture really comes from core strength. Not just the abs which we often think of as the 'core', but the core including back, hips and glutes as well as abdominal muscles.

Ballet fitness is amazing for improving posture because EVERY SINGLE ballet exercises uses the core. As well as working all our core muscles as we exercise, we also keep a focus on lengthening our posture the whole time - even when simply standing at the barre or in the centre.

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How to do a Pirouette
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How to do a Pirouette

We’ve put together a series of four videos to help you get from 0 to 360 degrees and learn everything you need to know about how to achieve the perfect pirouette.

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Tips for Improving Turnout
Ballet, Stretching Ballet Fusion Ballet, Stretching Ballet Fusion

Tips for Improving Turnout

Did you know that turnout mostly comes from the hips? Looking at a dancer, it can be easy to assume that the turnout is driven completely by the ankles but it’s actually the hips that drive turnout.

Try the exercises below to improve and strengthen your turnout.

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Five Core Exercises for Dancers
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Five Core Exercises for Dancers

Looking to tone and strengthen your core? Well, the great news is, just about all dance exercises contribute towards a stronger core and flatter stomach. Even running and walking are great for your core if you do them regularly.

If you want to add some core exercises to your regular workout routine, try some of these:

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Online Ballet Workouts
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Online Ballet Workouts

Ballet Fusion online ballet workouts are designed to strengthen, tone and shape - as well as help to improve posture and balance.

We’re currently running nine different types of live online ballet workout classes ranging from classical ballet fitness to ballet core and ballet cardio flow.

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Ballet Positions for Beginners
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Ballet Positions for Beginners

If you’re new to ballet, haven’t been for a while or thinking about starting a class, some of the positions and terms used by your teacher might have you a bit baffled.

We’ve listed some of the basic ballet positions with descriptions to get you started.

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