Ballet Fusion

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Tips for Improving Turnout

Did you know that turnout mostly comes from the hips? Looking at a dancer, it can be easy to assume that the turnout is driven completely by the ankles but it actually all comes from the hips.

Try the exercises below to improve and strengthen your turnout.

First things first, when following any of the below advice or exercises, be vary careful not to over-turn or force your turnout. Forcing turnout can lead to knee, ankle and even hip damage so it’s important to take things slowly and listen to your body.

We always recommend warming up before trying any exercises or moves.

Standing Turnout

When standing, maintain glute engagement to keep your hips turned out safely. This means squeezing your butt really tight to allow your hips to turn out as much as possible.

Be careful not to stick your bottom out. It can help to think about tilting the pelvis slightly under and engaging your abdominal muscles. This will help to keep your lower back safe and your posture ballet perfect.

Tendu Turnouts - A Terre and En L’air

Tendus are great for improving turnout and building turnout muscle memory.

For this simple exercise, start sideways to the barre with your feet in first position (heels together, toes turned outwards). Tendu devant (point the outside foot to the front) keeping the leg turned out, turn the leg parallel so that the heel now points downwards towards the floor, turn the leg out again so that the heel points upwards towards the barre, close back to 1st.

Repeat to 2nd (side) and derrière (back).

Really focus on the turnout and the difference between the turnout and parallel leg positioning.

This exercise is also beneficial when practiced en l’air (off the ground). Legs don’t have to be high but holding the leg off the ground increases use of the leg and hip muscles.

Ronds de Jambe

Ronds de Jambe exercises look simple but good form and technique can take a while to master.

Rond de Jambe a terre is like drawing a semi-circle on the floor with a pointed foot.

  • Complete six to 12 reps of a strong rond de jambe a terre en dehors (opening the leg outwards from front to back).

  • really hold and maintain your leg turnout from the hip through every position and come through a well turned out first position as you bring the leg from the back to the front.

  • Reverse it to complete six to 12 reps en dedans.

This exercise can also be practiced with a resistance band just above the knees to improve hip and leg strength.

Stretches for Improved Turnout

Wide Leg Wall Splits Stretch

  • Lie on your back with your legs against the wall. Open your legs and let gravity help you increase the stretch.

  • Breathe in through the nose and as you exhale through your mouth, ease your legs deeper into the stretch.

  • Hold this stretch for as long as you can (at least five minutes is ideal). Repeat the stretch a few times a week.

Always do this stretch with warm muscles. After a class or workout is ideal.

Clam Openers with a Resistance Band

  • Lie on your side on a mat with your resistance band wrapped around your legs, just above the knees.

  • Bend the knees with one stacked on top of the other.

  • Open the top knee and push it up towards the ceiling. Lower gently.

  • Repeat for 10 to 20 reps and change sides.

This exercise will help to strengthen your hips and upper legs rapidly, which will really help your turnout strength and hold.

Wall Retire

  • Stand facing a wall - as close to the wall as possible.

  • Lift one leg into retire position by bringing one foot up to the knee (this is similar to a tree pose in yoga).

  • Push your pelvis closer to the wall and hold the stretch.

  • Breathe deeply and hold for a few minutes.

Repeat on the other leg.

Down Facing Frog

  • Lie on your stomach with your elbows bent and hands stacked underneath your forehead.

  • Slide your feet in towards your body by bending your knees and pushing them out to the sides. Keep the soles of the feet together and hold the stretch.

  • Breathe through the stretch, pushing the knees further out to the side and thinking about driving the pelvis towards the floor with each exhale.

This one can be challenging at first but it will get easier with practice and is a great one for assisting hip flexibility and turnout.

Seated Butterfly Stretch

  • Sit up with your back straight and knees bent. Put the soles of your feet together and let your knees open outwards towards the floor. Pull the feet closer to the pelvis and drive the knees towards the floor.

  • Keep a straight back for this exercise to start with. When you feel ready, you can lean forwards increasing the stretch in the groin and hamstrings.

Be careful not to overstretch and take this one gently.

This stretch will help you maintain better standing turnout.

>> Read our blog post about hip opening stretches for more ways to support improved turnout.